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Apache Log4j 2 Vulnerability

You probably heard the news this weekend about the new critical remote code execution vulnerability affecting Apache log4j 2. A remote code execution vulnerability is an attack that can be launched from anywhere in the world, as long as an affected system is available remotely. Why is important? The vulnerability affects millions of devices, including

2021-12-13T08:08:37-05:00December 13th, 2021|Apache, Exploit, Hackers, Hedge Fund, Investment Adviser, Reverse Shell, Vulnerability|

CDPwn – Cisco patches 5 critical vulnerabilities that affect millions of devices.

Five critical vulnerabilities found in various implementations of the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) could allow attackers on a local network to take over enterprise devices, as discovered by IoT security company Armis. (It is important to note that attacks can not be performed remotely and requires attackers to have access to internal networks.) CDP is

2020-12-31T18:43:41-05:00February 6th, 2020|Cisco, Cyber, Vulnerability|

Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling vulnerability found in Axcient / eFolder Synced Tool

This vulnerability was responsibly disclosed to Axcient/Anchor on November 4, 2019. Affected versions: > During a penetration test we came across a file sharing application called SynedTool. When performing some of the more simpler tests we identified that this application is vulnerable to an Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling vulnerability. The application allows

2020-07-13T12:54:45-04:00January 8th, 2020|Vulnerability, Vulnerability Disclosure|
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